
Carrier QuickPay

A faster way to get paid,
powered by TriumphPay.

Benefits of QuickPay

Invoice Visibility

Self-serve carrier portal
Login to view all invoices

Faster Payments

Same-day payments
Alleviate cash flow issues

Flexible Financing

Never sign a contract

How to get started with QuickPay

Create Account

Option 1: Website
Go to to create an account.


Select Your QuickPay Schedule

Recommended: Select Carrier Program
By signing up for the Select Carrier Program, you’ll be eligible for QuickPay on all DLX invoices and other participating partner invoices. The Select Carrier Program also includes extra benefits for participating carriers.

There are a variety of other options, click the tutorial video button to learn more.

Choose Your Payment Method

Recommended: ACH Payment

Other Options: Check or Wire Payment

Connect with DLX

Using the Connect with your Brokers functionality, search for Dynamic Logistix to connect with us.

Receive payment within 24 hours. Sign up today!

Check claim status

To check the status of your claim, or to contact your claim representative, please click the confirmation status link that was sent via email when you filed the claim.

Make an Online Payment 

To make online payments, locate your personalized LockStep payment link sent to you from If you need help, please contact DLX AR.

Submit an Invoice

Please send your invoice and all backup documents to: